Check if you are eligible for a loan by contacting our bank advisor.


Renovation-Repair Loan

Renovate your house and acquire a modern home with energy standards and excellent construction materials. 

Trust ABC's engineers to issue a budget and realize your dream, quickly and easily!


You have the possibility to:

  • Get an advance payment so you can start work right away
  • Be financed for the entire amount of the work, up to €20.000
  • Get a reduced interest rate & a 50% discount on loan costs

Why Choose Us

20 years of experience in the finance and banking industry

High Level of Services

Cooperation with all Greek banks

High approval rate

Check if you are eligible for a loan by contacting in person
our bank advisor.

Calculate the amount of your monthly loan installment, based on the initial capital you wish to disburse!

Call me Back

Talk now on the phone for free with one of our bank advisors!

    Contact Phone number (*)

    Ολυμπιονικών 194 – πάροδος Λ. Κηφισίας, 154 51 Νέο Ψυχικό

    +30 210 700 7070

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